
My Grocery app UI kit

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My Grocery app UI kit


My Grocery app UI kit is a one-of-a-kind solution designed to revolutionize the way you experience online grocery shopping. With its unique UI style, our UI kit offers a refreshing and modern design approach that will captivate users from the moment they open the app. 

My Grocery app UI Kit pages List:

  1. Welcome Screen
  2. log In
  3. Create Account, Verify Code, profile details and address info pages
  4. Forget Password, Verify Code and Reset Password pages
  5. Home
  6. Store
  7. Cart
  8. Profile Menu
  9. Search
  10. Filter
  11. Product Details
  12. Payment Methods
  13. Add Bank Card
  14. My favorites
  15. My Orders pages
  16. Change Password pages
  17. Discount Coupons
  18. Notifications
  19. Checkout pages
  20. Successful Order
  21. Categories
  22. Category Products
  23. Track Order pages
  24. Order Info
  25. Profile
  26. Edit Profile
  27. Settings
  28. Change Language
  29. Change Password
  30. Allow Notifications
  31. Close Account
  32. Help Center pages
  33. FAQs pages
  34. Support Request
  35. Support Chat

Get ready to elevate your grocery app to new heights with our thoughtfully designed UI kit.

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Figma file including Design system, Design components, Icons set, Illustration pack and App pages.

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